I haven't seen the trailer of Kuruthi, as now a days most trailers gives away too much information. So i had absolutely no idea on what this film was about, but the name suggested it could be a horror genre. First 10-15 minutes into the film, i was clueless on what is happening or what was on the cards. Then an entry by the police officer dragging a handcuffed person into a remote house for shelter sets the stage for what we are about to see where two sections of community face each other. Their faith, believes and who is right and who is wrong comes under the radar when a trigger is initiated.
The first credit goes to cinematographer Abhinandan Ramanujan for propelling evening of gore narrative. There is nothing to rave from acting stand point in general, but Moosa character stood out. Some of the best lines in the screenplay goes to him. First half is tightly plotted in this home invasion thriller. It counters propaganda of hate efficiently in this story of minority vs majority. The question of faith and belief is mixed well on the society in general and individuals in particular. Kudos to Prithvi for selecting this role which to some may be antagonist in nature. There are plenty of moments cleverly inserted into the narrative.
The film has quiet a lot of limitations, at first the argument and counterargument was interesting but then it became like professor's speech. The writing at times felt superficial and i dont see how they fitted two songs into this narrative. The implicit political angle may not appeal to lot. Its pretentious to some extent. The simmering tension feel was missing overall. The climax was a problematic one too as its rooted towards another beginning and not end and some may say thats the reality dude.
Remember one thing, no one has the right to decide who fits in and who doesn't. Once that is well understood the world will be better at peace. But unfortunately now a days that decision is being made upfront and others just wag the tail of judgement. As moosa rightly says accept a human being for what they are and not for their belief systems.
Verdict - 3/5(The Spark of Hatred)