BBC and David Attenborough are the two common things which comes to our mind when there is a mention of documentaries. Here comes a welcome change from the usual. I just can't believe what i saw. This is an incredible piece of moving documentary from Netflix with a beautiful message. Filmmaker and naturalist Craig Foster provides a memorable account of his interaction and the friendship he developed with an Octopus. Sounds strange right, you have to see it to believe this unique story which was shot in South Africa. Its impossible not to be moved by this powerful narration. I never thought somebody can match DA narrative style. Fosters voice has depth and its so soothing to ears.The cinematography was spell bounding and the background score was pitch perfect match to the story telling. Its a visual ode and a love letter.
I have to admit this is one of those rare piece of life documentary made. Nothing looked staged even for a single moment and the simplicity was the biggest strength. Foster dived close to one year every day to gain her trust without a wet suit and he believed the connect with nature was more important than gears. And that dedication paid off superbly. There are some terrific footage's of under water hunting and the lifes of many species. In the end it was an enchanting viewing experience and i highly recommend this 90 minutes documentary for an immediate watch. The star of the show is none other than the chotu and intelligent octopus. The final message was powerful, we are “all part of this place, not just a visitor”. Nature will be our greatest ally and source of inspiration. Nature is the best teacher you can ever have if you observe closely.
Hats off to the director duo Pippa Ehrlich, James Reed for creating a profound and an optimistic documentary of 2020. Don't miss at any cost.
Verdict - 4.5/5(A life-transforming dive)